27 Apr

27th April 2019

Dear Parents ,

Please find below two letters appended from British Council regarding the arrangements at the Examination venue and the directives from Cambridge Assessment International Education & the FAQ’s regarding the June 2019 exam series scheduled to commence on the 29th of April 2019.

Please note that in line with the directives from the British Council the following arrangements have been put in place at Ilma International Girls’ School during the period of examinations.

1) Only students & staff will be permitted to enter the school premises 

2) Students will not be permitted to bring bags other than transparent bags

3) All Students should be dropped and picked from the Primary gate

4) Students should be in school 1 hour prior to the commencement of the examination & should be picked up 1/2 an hour after each paper

5) Students must bring the required stationary items (in a transparent pencil case) along with the statement of entry & identification document 

6) In order to reduce traffic along Thalakotuwa Gardens parents are encouraged to make effort to share transportation (carpool)

7) All parents are request to provide the vehicle details by e-mail to [email protected]
a) Registration number:
b) type (car, suv, van, motorcycle, 3W..):
c) make (Toyota, Nissan, Bajaj..):
d) Colour:

8) Students should come in coloured attire and not in school uniform for the Cambridge Examinations.

Parents are reminded that parking along the Thalakotuwa Gardens, or any of the by lane or in front of the School is strictly prohibited.

Please note that the school reserves the right to deny access to vehicles the details of which have not been provided according to the above.

We request all students and parents to cooperate with the security arrangements made by the school. 


Ilma International Girls’ School, Colombo 5

British Council security instructions for May – June Cambridge Examinations pdf

British Council May – June Cambridge Examination letter to schools pdf