Q1: Do the candidates have the choice to either opt for predicted grades or to withdraw based on their own opinion ?

A: Yes

Q2: When will the school start classes for the new academic year for AS & AL grades?

A: School is scheduled to commence all grades, including AS & AL (2021) on the 15th of June 2020
(if the situation of the country permits us to do so. If not, online classes will commence, in sha Allah)

Q3: Will schools continue to coach students for the Oct/Nov session?

A: No, it cannot be conducted during school hours due to various constraints. However, we may arrange for some after school sessions if requested for by students & parents closer to the examinations.

Q4: Can the students wait for the results and, based on predicted grades, decide to withdraw from the May/June 2020 examination series?

A: No
The deadline for withdrawal from the June 2020 series is long before the release of the predicted results.
However, students who are not satisfied with the predicted grades they receive can apply for the Oct /Nov 2020 examination series. (CAIE is yet to inform us of the financial implications for this process)

Q5: Will the students receive the original certificate if they choose to go with predicted results?

A: Yes (as per the Cambridge website).

Q6: What is the criteria the school will consider when giving a grade based on past performance?

A: As mentioned in the Cambridge website the predicted results have to be evidence based & the school will only provide the required information, based on which Cambridge will award the final grade.
As for the evidence, the school will be looking at all possible data available- Previous board examination results, Withdrawal results, semester examinations, mid- semester examinations, unit tests, assignments & coursework (if available).

Q7: Will the school release the predicted results to the students prior to sending the data to Cambridge?

A: No, as per the instructions received from Cambridge, the school has no authority to inform students of anything until they receive their official results from CAIE.

Q8: If an OL student chooses to go with option 02 (to sit the exams in October/Nov), will those students be able to commence AS Level classes?

A: Yes, ( If they meet the required criteria set by the school to enter the AS level), based on their previous performance.

Q9: Will there be any refunds made to students who are applying for predicted results?

A: Cambridge is yet to inform us of their policy on refunds.

Q10: Will Ilma be a centre for students opting to face the exam in Oct/ Nov 2020?

A: This is as yet uncertain and we will be able to confirm only after the school re-opens for the new academic year.

Q11: Will the online mock exam results be considered for the predicted grades?

A: We cannot consider since it was not made mandatory after the cancellation of the board examination.

Q12: Since school is continuing the A/S, A/L curriculum when it reopens. How do Students go ahead with school or do they have to withdraw and apply through British council?             

A: Student will be allowed to transfer to the Oct/Nov session through school.

Q13: Will we be able to re-sit a few subjects in November after getting predicted grades?

A14: Yes, if you are not satisfied with the results you receive, you can re-sit those subjects in Oct/Nov 2020. You also have an option of applying for predicted grades for a few subjects (the ones you are confident of that you have done well throughout) and withdraw the rest of the subjects from June series and transfer only those subjects to Oct/Nov series. 

Q14: If the November session also fails to happen will we be able to get the predicated grades without waiting for another year till next year?

A: This has not been decided yet, we are all working with hope that things will get sorted out by Oct/Nov. The main reason for Cambridge to offer the students this option of receiving predicted results is to help students move on with their lives.

Q15: Our withdrawal marks have been bad and it is a sure thing that most of us have tried really hard from December and to consider our withdrawal marks we weren’t even done with the entire syllabus So will all that be taken in to consideration and done very fairly?

A: We will be looking into all possible aspects when preparing the recommendations for the predicted grades. Withdrawal, and all other exams, your performance in classroom activities such as unit test, assignments, practical sessions (if any). We are aware of the issues and will be as fair as possible based on all the evidence available.

We wish success for all our students.

Q16: Withdrawals for the examination grades usually take place on November, therefore immediately after our OLs will we have to focus on our AS withdrawals?

A: The academic year for 2020/2021 will continue according to the normal schedule as such the withdrawal for 2021 June series will be held in Nov/Dec 2020.

Q17: Will it be possible to take time off in order to prepare for our OLs, or would it be a hindrance in covering the syllabus for AS?

A: Yes, it will be a hindrance if the students take time off as the AS syllabus needs to be covered.

Q18: Would we have to handle societies and other extra-curricular activities like the sports meet?

A: With the current situation we are unable to confirm if we will be able to have any extra-curricular activities. In the event we do have them, students can decide if they wish to participate or not.

Q19: Will the candidates who will be sitting for the October/November session miss their A/S work?

A: We will make necessary arrangements for the students to get the necessary material but will have to continue with the normal classes since we have to prepare them for the A/S in May/June 2021.

Q20: Can a particular student withdraw from a few subjects and apply for predicated results for the rest of the subjects?

Example: A student who has applied for OL and was to sit for seven subjects, wants to apply for predicted results for English, Math, Biology & Islamiyath, but wants to withdraw the rest of the subjects – Physics, Chemistry & IT.

A: Yes, this is possible.

The school is in the process of updating the form to incorporate this option (It should be available by the 12th afternoon).

If you have any unanswered question please email it to [email protected]